Submit a Puzzle

AVCX Classic

Submissions are open four months a year: December-January, and May-June. During those two periods, please send an inquiry to You can either send a full puzzle file (preferably in .puz format), or just your theme entries. We’re not going to say “puzzles should conform to standard specs” because in fact we want weird, path breaking stuff, so please don’t feel too hemmed in by any rules, as long as the concept is good! One puzzle at a time please. We’ll get back to you asap.

AVCX Trivia

AVCX Trivia submissions are open! Send ideas at any stage of the process – fully formed, half-baked, marinating, whatever – to with content in the body of the email. Clever, playful, and “huh, haven’t seen that before” are all qualities we look for. Puzzles are typically 5-10 questions, with the last question revealing the theme, but if you have a great idea that breaks this format, we want to see it. We publish roughly every other week. Got questions? Contact us at the above email.


AVCX+ is not currently taking submissions. Future calls for submissions will be announced in advance.

AVCX Cryptic

AVCX Cryptic is developing a submission process and schedule at this time. Our current submission specs are here, and until our schedule for submissions is regularized, follow our account on Twitter (@AvcxCryptic) for updates.


Lil AVC X does not take submissions. Applications for the construction roster are expected to open yearly and will be announced.