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Puzzle Notes
Dear subscribers:
Brendan Emmett Quigley's "Duly Noted" is rated 3/5 in difficulty. Though the puzzle is wholly solvable and the theme will make sense in Across Lite, we suggest solving on paper for the loveliest possible experience this week. Brendan's blog is brendanemmettquigley.com.
Meanwhile, next week will witness the debut of a new American Values Club contributor. But who? Stay tuned to find out. If you're a fan of great puzzles, you'll be happy.
Did you know that all of the AVCX contributors play a role in refining the puzzle each week? Each crossword goes out to the whole team for review, and I usually integrate the email feedback (and IM'ed opinions) of at least three or four people in editing. Francis, who does the PDF layout, has perhaps the best eye on the planet for these things, and provides the last line of defense against any problems. My thanks to Francis and the rest of the team for their great work on what is really a collaborative effort.
-Ben and the AVCX crew [avxwords.com]