February 20, 2013 - Bribery - by Francis Heaney, edited by Ben Tausig

Difficulty ● ● ◐ ○ ○
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Puzzle Notes

Dear subscribers:

Lovely four-star puzzle from the ever-clever Francis Heaney attached.

Congratulations to those who successfully solved Caleb's 23x23 puzzle "Skinema. We'll send an announcement with the winning contest entry before the Oscars this Sunday!

Oh, and did you know that an American Values Club puzzle was nominated for 2012's puzzle of the year at crosswordfiend.com? Try it out: 

Printable PDF: https://www.dropbox.com/s/x6cxo7u8zty8l0l/AV%20Club%20xword%203%2028%2012%20BT%204813%20note%20PDF.pdf 

Across Lite: https://www.dropbox.com/s/7sw7njpdy1iqon3/AV%20Club%20xword%203%2028%2012%20BT%204813%20note.puz

The full slate of nominees is here: http://www.crosswordfiend.com/blog/2013/02/01/2012-orca-awards-best-crossword-nominees/

-Ben and the AVCX crew [avxwords.com]