January 20, 2025 - "All Publicity" - Matthew Luter, edited by Sally Hoelscher

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Puzzle Notes

Dear friends:

Tonight we're bringing you an 11x11 midi by Matthew Luter titled "All Publicity." We think you'll find it challenging in the best way.

Matt says: "My favorite puzzles, as both solver and constructor, tend to be themelesses, though I also tend to shoot for accessibility. But inspired by Katja Brinck's difficult (and great!) Lil AVCX themeless from November 2024, I wanted to make one for Lil that leaned a little harder. Many thanks to fellow editors and test solvers for making sure this one played tough but fair. (Also delighted to include a couple nods to the city I love and call home.) Hope you enjoy, yall."

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Headed to your inbox next week: a midi from editor Olivia Mitra Framke.

Thanks for solving!

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