January 7, 2025 - "A Bit of Splish and a Bit of Splat" - Brian Callahan, edited by Jess Shulman

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Puzzle Notes

Dear friends:

For our second Lil puzzle of 2025, we are very pleased to bring you a fun, breezy 11x11 from editor Brian Callahan, titled "A Bit of Splish and a Bit of Splat." We think you'll get a kick out of Brian's fresh entries and delightful cluing.

Brian says: "The seed entry for this puzzle didn't even end up in the final grid. My New Year's resolution for 2025? Get SPLOOT into a puzzle cleanly. Happy solving!"

Solve this puzzle online! (AVCX login credentials required)

Headed to your inbox next week: all-new midis from editors Matt and Jess.

Enjoy the splash zone!

Your friends at Lil AVC X

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