December 24, 2024 - "Alphanumeric Antics" - Will Eisenberg, edited by Olivia Mitra Framke

Difficulty ● ● ◐ ○ ○
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Puzzle Notes

Dear friends:

Today's midi offering is a fun 10x10 puzzle titled "Alphanumeric Antics" from the great Will Eisenberg. We're sure we can count on you to solve it!

Will says: "Helping to lead Lil this year has been a privilege and a joy. Seeing all the success and growth our editors and mentees have achieved in crosswords this year fills me with awe and pride. I hope this puzzle, along with all the rest we've made this year, brings you a little bit of joy too. Take a deep breath, tune the rest of the world out: for at least a few minutes, nothing else matters but you and the puzzle."

Solve this puzzle online! (AVCX login credentials required)

Headed to your inbox from Lil AVCX next time: a puzzle by Jasmeet Arora.

Puzzle on,

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