December 23, 2024 - "I Feel It In My Fingers" - Deanne Cliburn, edited by Darby Ratliff

Difficulty ● ● ○ ○ ○
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Puzzle Notes

Dear friends:

Today's seasonal (if you look carefully 😉) grid is a 12x11 midi from roster member Deanne Cliburn. It's titled, "I Feel It In My Fingers," and we think you'll find it to be a jolly good time!

Deanne says: "I can't believe this will be my last puzzle as a Lil AVCX roster member! It has been such a joy working with this amazing team. I've learned so much from my mentor, Darby, the leadership team of Olivia, Will, and Sally, fact checker Gritz, and all of my incredibly talented fellow constructors. Thank you for solving my puzzles this year, it has meant the world to me to have this opportunity."

Solve this puzzle online! (AVCX login credentials required)

Headed to your inbox tomorrow: a puzzle from leadership team member Will.

Happy Solving,

Your friends at Lil AVC X | @avcxword | @lilavcx | @avcxcryptic | @avcxplus | @avcxtrivia