November 16, 2024 - "2024 Trivia Puzzle #22" - Krystian Imgrund
Puzzle Notes
Dear Friends:
Before we talk about this week's puzzle, I (Aimee) want to give some major shout-outs to two of my absolute favorite trivia sources that have featured AVCX in the past two weeks: Good Job Brain and Yu Oughta Know. Good Job Brain is an off-beat trivia podcast that manages to strike the perfect balance between goofiness and braininess. I learn so much when I listen to Good Job Brain, but even more importantly, I also regularly laugh out loud. And I'm not usually a laugh-out-louder! If you've never listened before, now is the perfect time to start. A new season just started, and the last two weeks have featured cryptic clues, some of which were written by AVCX's very own cryptics team, and some were written by one of the hosts. So if you're looking for a funny podcast that will actually teach you something while listening, look no further than Good Job Brain.
The next feature I want to highlight is Yu Oughta Know, where I did a guest quiz last week. Yu Oughta Know is a current events newsletter quiz run by screenwriter Lynn Yu that is equal parts informative and fun to read. Lynn's voice is engaging and she usually includes commentary in her news items that help the information she's imparting actually stick. I subscribed because I wanted to boost my current events in LearnedLeague, and it has really worked. On multiple occasions I've gotten a question right in a trivia context (not just LearnedLeague and not just current events!) because I read about it in Yu Oughta Know. She also just started a second newsletter called Yu Oughta Write which is about screenwriting, a topic about which I know very little, but have found fascinating so far since I write in the similar-but-different field of book publishing.
So if you're looking for something new to listen to or read over the upcoming holidays, look no further than Good Job Brain and Yu Oughta Know. I truly can't say enough great things about both of them. Okay! Back to our regularly scheduled programming!
This week's puzzle is by Krystian Imgrund. Krystian dedicates this puzzle to his mom, with whom he shared a great appreciation of the theme material for this trivia puzzle. Enjoy the puzzle!
Also, congratulations to the randomly selected All Questions Correct Answer Getter (trademark pending) of the week: Robert!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We'll soon have a little tribute to them over on the @avcxtrivia Twitter. And now, the puzzle:
See you in two weeks! Happy trivia-ing,
Aimee, Michael, & the expanded AVCX crew | @avcxword | @lilavcx | @avcxplus | @avcxtrivia