June 29, 2024 - "2024 Trivia Puzzle #12" - Stella Zawistowski
Puzzle Notes
Dear Friends:
Thank you to everyone who stuck with last week's puzzle. It was a big one and a hard one and we appreciated those of you who called out the error in the Neil Young album title in question six. This week's puzzle is much shorter than last week's, since we figured you deserve a break. So enjoy this lovely little quiz from Stella Zawistowski. Stella lost on Jeopardy! in 2006 and wonders whether there will ever be a Second Chance tournament for lovable one-and-dones from the mid-aughts. She writes for Geeks Who Drink, so if you like her questions, try pub quiz at a bar that uses their trivia!
Also, congratulations to last week's randomly selected All Questions Correct Answer Getter (trademark pending): David Oberman! We'll soon have a little tribute to them over on the @avcxtrivia Twitter.
And, this is a reminder that we are always open to submissions. If you have ideas for future trivia puzzles, please send one idea at a time to trivia@avxwords.com.
See you in two weeks! Happy trivia-ing,
Aimee, Michael, Chris, & the expanded AVCX crew
avxwords.com | @avcxword | @lilavcx | @avcxplus | @avcxtrivia