// Hacky polling to check if the player embed is focused
setInterval(checkFocus, 1000);
Puzzle Notes
Dear friends:
Tonight's midi is entitled "Pipelines". It's an 11x11 from Darby Ratliff that we think you'll really enjoy plumbing the depths of. Instead of a .puz file, you can either print this one, or use XWord or Crossword Nexus to solve it. XWord can be downloaded for free; the Crossword Nexus solver is web-based. However you solve, don't miss this one!
This puzzle is the last roster effort from Darby. We love all the puzzles Darby has given us over the course of the year. And of course, we're pleased as punch that Darby will be with us next year, this time as an editor!
Darby says: "Can't believe it's my last puzzle on the roster for Lil! It's been a great year, and I'm so thankful for Will, Brooke, and the whole team."
Headed to your inbox tomorrow: another final roster puzzle from Eric Mao.
Stay frosty,
Your friends at Lil AVC X
avxwords.com | @avcxword | @lilavcx | @avcxcryptic | @avcxplus | @avcxtrivia