October 2, 2023 - "Tet Trung Thu" - Kelly Nguyen Dickson, edited by Olivia Mitra Framke

Difficulty ● ● ● ○ ○

Puzzle Notes

* * * To read this email with the correct diacritical marks, please see the attachment with the filename lil-145-dickson-100223-headnote-pdf.pdf * * *

Dear friends:

We hope you enjoy today's puzzle, "Tet Trung Thu" by Kelly Nguyen Dickson. It's a moderately difficult 10x11 midi with celebratory, yummy vibes!

Kelly says: "Mung Tet Trung Thu/Happy Mid-Autumn Festival! Growing up, this was always my favorite holiday to celebrate with my mom and sister. Some of my fondest memories are of us lighting lanterns and enjoying [redacted] together. This one means a lot to me and I'm so glad I got to turn it into a puzzle. I hope you enjoy!"

Headed to your inbox tomorrow night: another great midi from Darby Ratliff.

Puzzle on,

Your friends at Lil AVC X

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