// Hacky polling to check if the player embed is focused
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Puzzle Notes
Dear friends:
Tonight's puzzle comes to you from Lil AVC X editor Sara Cantor, and it's a 10x10 called "cry about it." It promises to be a breezy solve that almost certainly won't make you cry.
Sara constructed a fantastic puzzle for this year's Lollapuzzoola tournament! You can purchase the solve-at-home puzzle pack here, which comes with the tournament puzzles and two meta suites (one crossword-based, one variety) written by these constructors.
Congratulations to Will Nediger for both his Lil AVC X editing debut with Sara's puzzle tonight and for his Lollapuzzoola victory! And congratulations as well to Lil AVC X editor Will Eisenberg for placing third in the local finals! The willpower is strong at Lil AVC X.
Headed to your inbox tomorrow: a midi from roster member Nancy Serrano-Wu.
Thanks for your support!
Your friends at Lil AVC X
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