Puzzle Notes
Dear solvers,
We've got a cryptic collaboration coming at you this week from two familiar faces in the crossworld, Will Eisenberg and Shannon Rapp.
Will (
@TlMBERWOLVES) is a French horn player and music teacher in the Twin Cities. He is the current 3rd horn of Orchestra Iowa and a founding member of the Minnesota Horn Quartet. Will is an editor for Lil AVC X. More of his puzzles can be found on the blog
Half-Baked Puzzles.
Shannon (
@sharpenorah) is a research administrator at Washington University Medical School in St. Louis. Since starting to make crosswords in 2020, she has written puzzles for numerous outlets as well as
her own blog. Shannon is an editor for the indie crossword project Lemonade Disco, which is now
open for submissions. You can probably find her at the next tournament, talking up indie crosswords to anyone who will listen and trying desperately not to finish in last place.
Will and Shannon are frequent collaborators who have co-written for the Los Angeles Times, Universal, AVCX+, These Puzzl3s Fund Abortion, and Fireball Crosswords. This is their first published cryptic together.
We hope you enjoy the twists and turns these two have put together for you!
Be well,
The AVCX Cryptic team