April 21, 2023 - "Here We Go Again" (themeless) - Rebecca Goldstein, edited by Sid Sivakumar

Difficulty ● ● ● ○ ○
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Puzzle Notes

Dear Friends:

Today's AVCX+ is by Rebecca Goldstein, from whom you've just heard at AV Classic earlier this week. Rebecca's puzzle today is a 72-word themeless de résistance titled "Here We Go Again." Difficulty-wise, we liken it to a Snuggie: cozy, but tricky to get into. (No doubt, you'll feel warmly about Rebecca's puzzle once you've solved it.)

Rebecca is a scientist developing immunotherapies for cancer. A New Yorker at heart, she lives in the Bay Area with her wife. She's published several dozen puzzles in the New York Times, L.A. Times, USA Today, and other mainstream and indie venues.

'Til we see you again,

the AVCX+ crew

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