// Hacky polling to check if the player embed is focused
setInterval(checkFocus, 1000);
Puzzle Notes
Dear friends:
We're ramping up the difficulty with today's crossword as we continue on our series of editor midis. "Heart and Soul" is an 11x11 grid brought to you by our very own Steve Mossberg, who promises a stumper of a solve. If you can keep up with the switch-ups, you might find this puzzle to be smooth jazz. But be careful... lose your rhythm and you might find yourself solving in double time!
Steve Mossberg (he/him) is the puzzle maker behind Square Chase and Square Pursuit, and a regular contributor to The Browser and AVCX Cryptics. His non-cryptic work appears monthly in the Newsday Saturday Stumper and elsewhere. He's passionate about working with up-and-coming constructors, and thrilled to be editing at Lil AVC X in 2023!
Headed to your inbox next Sunday night: new Lil AVC X editor No-Feet McGee's AVCX debut.
As always, thanks for all your support!
Your friends at Lil AVC X
avxwords.com | @avcxword | @lilavcx | @avcxcryptic | @avcxplus | @avcxtrivia