April 29, 2022 - "The Good Ol' Bard of Avon" (themeless) - Will Nediger, edited by Max Carpenter

Difficulty ● ● ● ○ ○
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Puzzle Notes

Dear Friends:

We're excited to bring you a themeless today from the inimitable Will Nediger. It clocks in at a 3/5 difficulty and is titled "The Good Ol' Bard of Avon." Will is a crossword constructor from London, Ontario. He writes puzzles for Vox, The New Yorker, and The Browser, among other venues, but is generally proudest of the indie puzzles he publishes at http://blog.bewilderinglypuzzles.com/.

It's always an honor to work with Will, who, aside from being one of the constructing greats and one of the fastest solvers on the planet, is an unceasing champion of all things indie in Crossworld. He's also one of the sweetest and most generous people we know. Definitely check out his blog if you haven't yet!

Look forward to a Trivia game tomorrow before the expansion puzzles take our regularly scheduled week off. And as always, we hope you and yours are doing well.

Max, Ada, Chris, Quiara, Sid & the expanded AVCX crew

avxwords.com | @avcxword | @lilavcx | @avcxcryptic | @avcxplus | @avcxtrivia