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Puzzle Notes
Dear Friends:
We're delighted to kick off AVCX+, your second full-size standard crossword of the week! Today's puzzle, by Shannon Rapp, is a themeless titled "Company Potluck" and clocks in at 2.5/5 difficulty. Shannon is a crossword constructor from St. Louis, MO and is thrilled to make her AVCX debut here. Shannon is also a constructor for Lil AVC X, where she'll publish approximately one midi each month in 2022. She makes puzzles for her blog at Norah's Puzzles and writes for Crossworld News & Notes. She wants to thank the entire AVCX team and everyone who supported the Kickstarter to make the expansion happen.
We on the AVCX+ editing team also want to thank everyone who supported the expansion. We're hard at work lining up great puzzles from your favorite (or soon-to-be favorite) indie constructors. We hope you enjoy their brilliant work, starting today with Shannon's inaugural themeless tour de force.
Chris, Max, Quiara, Sid & the expanded AVCX crew
avxwords.com | @avcxword | @lilavcx | @avcxplus | @avcxtrivia