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'AVCX Trivia Puzzle #1' Puzzle Files

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Puzzle Notes

Dear Friends:

Today's puzzle is the first AVCX trivia game! This is a brand-new feature edited by Aimee Lucido that, assuming our kickstarter gets funded, will be delivered to your inbox on a weekly basis. What is AVCX Trivia? Glad you asked!

Every week, the AVCX Trivia puzzle will consist of five (ish) related trivia questions. The first four questions are meant to be of average difficulty, but the fifth and final question will be more challenging. This is because the final question is not just a trivia question in its own right, but also a meta question that all the other answers will point to in some way. Each weekly puzzle will interpret this theme differently, but the clue for that final question should give some insight into how it ties everything together.

In the long-term we would love for this trivia game to involve some sort of competition. Think: challenging friends to head-to-head matches, keeping track of statistics, on-the-fly answer checking, etc, but in the short-term, we will just be providing these games to you for your own enjoyment. However, since this is the very first time we're showing the world these puzzles, we thought we *would* do a little competition. Send the correct answers to all five questions in an email to by the end of the day Friday, December 17, (when you will also receive solutions) and be entered into a drawing to win a free one-year subscription to the expanded AVCX for yourself or a friend. We kindly ask that you don't look up the answers before submitting if you plan on entering the competition 🙂

And if you find this fun and you'd like to try your hand at making them, start thinking of ideas! We'll be doing a call for open submissions if and when the kickstarter is funded, so keep an eye out! And remember, the more money the kickstarter makes, the more fun we can have with these sorts of puzzles, so one more time, you can donate here.

This first AVCX Trivia puzzle is constructed by the editor herself, Aimee Lucido, and is 2/5 difficulty. Aimee is a long-time contributor to the AVCX as well as numerous other publications. She is also a children's book writer and her novels EMMY IN THE KEY OF CODE and RECIPE FOR DISASTER have received numerous awards. Aimee lives in Berkeley, CA with her husband and her dog.

We hope you enjoyed the AVCX hype week! And remember, if you want to see more puzzles like this, be sure to contribute to our kickstarter!

Be well,

Aimee & the AVCXpansion crew // @avcxword // @lilavcx // @avcxplus // @avcxtrivia