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July 3, 2019 - "Flex Time" - Ben Tausig for $1

Puzzle Notes

Dear Friends:

Ben Tausig's "Flex Time" is 4/5 difficulty. Good luck with it!

Solutions to both puzzles from last week -- Erin Rhode's regularly scheduled Wednesday offering and Stella Zawistowski's bonus -- are attached herewith.

I'm sending you this puzzle en route to Thailand, where I'll be doing research for a bit, for a project in my other life (a history of music, nightlife, and urban development in Thailand during the Vietnam War). If you'd like to see pictures and videos, they'll be on Instagram @datageneral. I'll be recording some remarkable musicians and talking to a lot of people who witnessed the war from vantages not often conveyed in American coverage. Far from crosswords, but maybe there's some overlap.

Be well and happy holiday,

Ben and the AVCX crew // @avcxword

July 3, 2019 - "Flex Time" - Ben Tausig for $1


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