Puzzle Notes
Dear Friends:
It's another meta! This one, by Francis Heaney, will be no walk in the park at 5/5. It's called "Well-Connected."
And here's the instructions: The answer to the meta is a current slang phrase (9,6) that describes someone who's well-connected, in a sense. Send your response to editor@avxwords.com by midnight on Sunday, April 14 for a chance to win a prize. Good luck to all!
As to last week's puzzle, congratulations to all 334 submitters, almost all of whom got the correct answer. The solution is attached to this email. We usually draw the winners at random, and indeed we did so for one of the lucky winners this week, Teresa Kouri. But the other, Max Bentovim, was selected on further merits. Max solved the meta the day after becoming the father of newborn twins. "I've been working this one out between feedings, diaper changes, etc at the hospital," Max wrote, "so I'm crediting this one to New Dad Energy." Big ups to Teresa and Max, who each win a prize, as well as everyone else, who does not but who remains important and special.
Props finally to Evan Birnholz, who Photoshopped a book cover based on Rebecca's meta that would be a spoiler, so I can't discuss it here. But do ask him about it, perhaps on Twitter (@evanbirnholz). And solve his Washington Post Sunday puzzles, if you aren't already.
Be well,
Ben and the AVCX crew
avxwords.com // @avcxword