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December 16, 2024 - "Wrong Answers Only" - Kareem Ayas, edited by Will Eisenberg for $1

Puzzle Notes

Dear friends:

Tonight's puzzle is an 11x12 offering from Kareem Ayas entitled "Wrong Answers Only". We're confident you'll get it right in the end.

Kareems says: "Although I've been published elsewhere first, the fast growth of my crossword social circle and career is due entirely to the Lil AVCX team. This has been an incredibly rewarding experience. Thank you Lil AVCX for your faith in me, large thanks to my editor/mentor Will for his patience, support and crucial advice over this year, and special thanks to all those who have solved and enjoyed my puzzles (extra special shout out to those who have reached out to tell me that!).

I've got a lot more coming down the pipeline, so keep an eye out for my name in the byline. This last puzzle is a doozy - I hope you ace it!"

Solve this puzzle online! (AVCX login credentials required)

Headed to your inbox tomorrow: another midi from Geoffrey Schorkopf.

Remember to take a deep breath once in a while,

Your friends at Lil AVC X | @avcxword | @lilavcx | @avcxcryptic | @avcxplus | @avcxtrivia

December 16, 2024 - "Wrong Answers Only" - Kareem Ayas, edited by Will Eisenberg for $1


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