Buy Individual Puzzles All puzzles are delivered by email, in PUZ and PDF formats (with solution). Puzzle January 26, 2024 - "Conversation Piece" (themeless) - Chandi Deitmer, edited by Kim Vu for $1 Puzzle Notes Dear Friends: We've got a marvelous 68-word themeless for you today from Chandi Deitmer, titled "Conversation Piece." True to its name, this puzzle has a voice you'll want to hear. We're calling it "2.5 out of 5 decibels" in terms of difficulty. Chandi is a Cambridge-based constructor who likes snuggling her cat, eating food with her hands, and acting over-familiar with strangers. She has recently fallen into the bad habit of being last to submit in Music League. Cheers, the AVCX+ crew | @avcxword | @lilavcx | @avcxcryptic | @avcxplus | @avcxtrivia January 26, 2024 - "Conversation Piece" (themeless) - Chandi Deitmer, edited by Kim Vu for $1 Recipient Recipient Email Address Send as a gift? Gift Options Include a personalized note Send at a later date? Send At Buy Now With Please enable JavaScript to continue.