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December 16, 2023 - "2023 Trivia Puzzle #24" - Peter Gwinn for $1

Puzzle Notes

Dear Friends:

Before we talk about this week's puzzle, a few people requested an explanation for last week's puzzle theme. We updated the google form answers to include one but if you missed that, here it is in rot13: Rnpu bs gur gurzr nafjref unf bayl bar ibjry (naq guerr vafgnaprf bs gung ibjry). Gur svany nafjre, FRDHBVN, vapyhqrf nyy svir ibjryf. Va nqqvgvba, gurer vf ab L va nal bs gur pyhrf be nafjref.

Now, onto this week's puzzle! It is brought to you by Peter Gwinn, who is a Chicago-based writer, comedian and puzzle enjoyer. He currently writes for Wait Wait Don't Tell Me on NPR and performs with the Improvised Shakespeare Company. Enjoy!

Also, congratulations to last week's randomly selected All Questions Correct Answer Getter (trademark pending): TheRollingJones! We'll soon have a little tribute to them over on the @avcxtrivia Twitter.

Finally, I'd like to remind everyone that we are *always* open to trivia submissions. Please send one idea at a time to

See you in two weeks! Happy trivia-ing,

Aimee, Michael, Chris, & the expanded AVCX crew | @avcxword | @lilavcx | @avcxplus | @avcxtrivia

December 16, 2023 - "2023 Trivia Puzzle #24" - Peter Gwinn for $1


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