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September 23, 2023 - "2023 Trivia Puzzle #18" - David C. Neal for $1

Puzzle Notes

Dear Friends:

This week's trivia puzzle comes from David C. Neal, who is a Fortune 100 marketer by day and a professional actor on the side. An avid lover of NYT crossword puzzles for decades, a long-time GAMES magazine subscriber, and a daily consumer of (way too many!) Wordle and fillintheblank-dle alternative puzzles, he claims that he someday will actually read his 15-year collection of Mental Floss magazines. Enjoy the puzzle!

Also, congratulations to last week's randomly selected All Questions Correct Answer Getter (trademark pending): Martin Davis! We'll soon have a little tribute to them over on the @avcxtrivia Twitter.

See you in two weeks! Happy trivia-ing,

Aimee, Michael, Chris, & the expanded AVCX crew | @avcxword | @lilavcx | @avcxplus | @avcxtrivia

September 23, 2023 - "2023 Trivia Puzzle #18" - David C. Neal for $1


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