Puzzle Notes
Dear friends,
This week's Classic is a 3/5 difficulty offering by Geoffrey Schorkopf, titled "Changing the Channel."
Geoffrey is a longtime AVCX subscriber (and former meta contest winner!) making a Classic debut with this puzzle. Congratulations, Geoffrey!!
Lastly, we wanted to offer a warm endorsement for a great tournament. Registration for the Boswords 2023 Fall Themeless League is now open! This 10-week event starts with a Preseason puzzle on Wednesday, September 27 and features weekly themeless puzzles -- clued at three levels of difficulty -- from an all-star roster of constructors and are edited by Brad Wilber. To register, to solve a practice puzzle, to view the constructor line-up, and to learn more, go to
Ben and the expanded AVCX crew
avxwords.com // @avcxword // @lilavcx // @avcxplus // @avcxtrivia // @avcxcryptic