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Jan 28, 2023 - "2023 Trivia Puzzle #1" - Matthew Luter for $1

Puzzle Notes

Dear Friends:

Hello everybody! We hope you enjoyed (or at least survived) the championship puzzle we sent out two weeks ago. As advertised, the puzzle proved challenging for many of you, but a few people did have standout performances and we'd like to honor them:

First, two solvers tied for first place in our All Questions Correct Answer Getter challenge: Brian Amos and Keith Pinault! We'll be posting a little tribute to the two winners over on the @avcxtrivia Twitter
over the next two weeks, so keep an eye out there. But also the winners will be getting a little prize pack from us. The details are still being finalized, but they're almost ready.

There were also three solvers who were All Questions Correct Answer Getters on the championship puzzle itself: Russ Kale, Greg Poulos, and Jim Kaye. Congratulations you three! You also have prize packs coming once we finalize the details. Thank you so much to everyone who participated!

This week's puzzle should be an easy breezy one (at least, in comparison to the championship puzzle). It's brought to you by Matthew Luter, who is a teacher and writer in Jackson, MS. He posts a new crossword every Tuesday here. We hope you enjoy!

See you in two weeks! Happy trivia-ing,

Aimee, Michael, & the expanded AVCX crew | @avcxword | @lilavcx | @avcxplus | @avcxtrivia

Jan 28, 2023 - "2023 Trivia Puzzle #1" - Matthew Luter for $1


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