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AVXWord Puzzle 'January 28, 2015 - "Fun Buttons" - Tyler Hinman, edited by Ben Tausig' for $1

Puzzle Notes

Hi friends: 

Up this week is Tyler Hinman, with a 2/5 difficulty puzzle called "Fun Buttons." Happy solving!

Note, if you like, that Tyler's grid is 74 words -- fewer than the typical themed grid, and especially low for a puzzle on the easy tip. The usual way to make easy puzzles easy is by including lots of short, familiar words, often with equally familiar clues. But it's also possible (if rarer) to feature longer grid entries with straightforward clues. Just some crossword inside baseball for you.

Meanwhile, we're currently working on making our full 2014 archive available for purchase. While you're waiting, if you'd like a bunch of puzzles at once, don't forget that the full Onion/AVCX archive can be purchased, year by year, at this link.


Ben and the AVCX crew [, @AVCXWord]

AVXWord Puzzle 'January 28, 2015 - "Fun Buttons" - Tyler Hinman, edited by Ben Tausig' for $1


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