Puzzle Notes
Dear subscribers:
I'm up this week with a 3.5/5 puzzle called "Tech Insiders." We've got some fine work in the pipeline, including one final bonus puzzle for the calendar year, a 21x21, perfect for solving by the fire over the holidays.
Meanwhile, our collective appreciation goes out to everyone who has already resubscribed for 2014 and beyond. The annual rate for the AVCX will rise starting January 1st, but you can sign up for 2014 at the current price if you re-up now at avxwords.com. (With even lower annual rates available to our original Kickstarter backers). Simply log in at http://www.avxword.com/renew with your ID and password to find out how much time is left in your current subscription. If you have questions about any part of this, hit up support@avxwords.com and we'll be happy to help you out.
Thank you,
-Ben and the AVCX crew [avxwords.com]