January 27, 2025 - "A Little Look-See" - Olivia Mitra Framke, edited by Matthew Luter

Difficulty ● ● ● ○ ○
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Puzzle Notes

Dear friends:

HEY, what's that over there? … did you catch that? … what even is it, eh? … oh, wow, it's a brand new 13x11 puzzle by Olivia Mitra Framke! Huh. How about that. Go give it "A Little Look-See," why don't you? Check it out. You got this. Report back, okay?

Olivia says: "My first published crossword was a 2017 Sunday NYT with a connect-the-dots element. My next puzzle at that outlet also had a visual element, and so for a while I felt like visual puzzles were my thing. I was pleased to break out of that mold, but I'm extremely happy to be returning to my roots in the midi format, which I've done four times now at Lil. Hope you enjoy!"

Solve this puzzle online! (AVCX login credentials required)

One more thing: We invite you to check out a project that just launched, which several Lil members worked on: Puzzles for Palestine 2.

Headed to your inbox next week: a midi by Sally Hoelscher that you can practically sing along to.

Happy solving, yall,

Your friends at Lil AVCX

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