January 15, 2025 - "Let's Rock and Roll!" - Enrique Henestroza Anguiano, edited by Ben Tausig

Difficulty ● ● ◐ ○ ○

Puzzle Notes

Dear friends,

The second Classic puzzle of 2025 comes from Enrique Henestroza Anguiano, whose "Let's Rock and Roll!" is 3/5 difficulty and 21x21 in size. A two-page PDF version with larger type is included to spare your eyes (thanks to Francis there).

Enrique writes: "I'm happy to be back in the AVCX with a big puzzle, which always provides a fun canvas to explore unique themes. Thanks to Ben and team for the editing and for continuing to run my work!

I also want to call attention to spreadthewordlist.com, my ongoing project with Brooke Husic. We continue to update the wordlist quarterly with the latest answers from around the puzzleverse (as well as little tweaks here and there). We love providing a free and clean set of base answers that constructors can rely on, and are always looking for more feedback."

Ben and the expanded AVCX crew

avxwords.com // @avcxword // @lilavcx // @avcxplus // @avcxtrivia // @avcxcryptic